Tuesday, August 20, 2013

2013 AKC ACE Award (Therapy Dogs) Winner

The winner of the 2013 AKC ACE Award (Therapy Dogs) is Drago, owned by Lauren Friedman.  Here we see Drago (on left) enjoying his well-deserved time off with Siena, also a Therapy Dog!

Both dogs are registered with Therapy Dogs International

Congratulations to Lauren and Drago!! 

Therapy Dog: "Drago," a Spinone Italiano owned by Lauren Friedman and Chris Sweetwood of Milford, Connecticut Drago, a "do-it-all" Spinone Italiano with more than 1,000 therapy visits to his credit, faced a challenge like no other in Newtown, Connecticut last December when his therapy skills were called upon after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Lauren and Drago immediately headed to Newtown, a chaotic scene full of shell-shocked local residents. They spent nearly every day until January at the Crisis Center that was set up at Reed Intermediate School, providing love and support to those who needed it. Drago accompanied kids and adults into counseling sessions, and spent time with children who were doing crafts and activities while their parents were busy with chaplains and psychologists. Lauren and Drago still visit area schools today.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's amazing that animals can offer so much support to people. I think this is mostly attributed to a pet's ability to love someone unconditionally. I think it's really cool that owners use their pets to bring joy to others. I can see how having a dog like Drago around would be comforting when going through grief. He's so fluffy! http://www.eastwestvet.com.au
